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Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
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15.19 zł
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Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g

Kod produktu:832373
  • Odorless moisture absorber with a weight of 250 g. This absorber is designed to be hung in an apartment, garage, warehouse, or even a closet. It helps to remove moisture and dry out the air in the space.
Więcej informacji
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
15,99 zł(-5% Promocja ograniczona)
15,19 zł
/ pcs
Szybka dostawa 24h
Darmowa dostawa od 150zł
99,1% poleca ten sklep
30 dni na zwrot
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Odroczone płatności. Kup teraz, zapłać za 54 dni.

Kup teraz, zapłać później - 4 kroki

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Opis produktu

  • ODORLESS - Moisture absorber for hanging. The absorber does not have any scent. Moisture absorber dimensions: 28 x 15 x 2.5 cm. The weight of the absorber is 250 g.
  • HIGH QUALITY - The moisture absorber is made of plastic, and its filling, in the form of granules, is made from calcium chloride.
  • PROTECTIVE - Effectively dries the air in apartments, houses, garages, warehouses, etc. Perfect for bathrooms, kitchens, and even closets. It prevents the formation of mold or fungi and helps to eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • CONVENIENT - The absorber is small in size, so it can be placed anywhere. The absorber is mounted on a hanger, which makes it easy to hang in the room.
  • EFFICIENT - The granules last for even 2-5 months in spaces up to 20 m². The durability depends on the humidity and temperature of the air in the room. The granules absorb moisture, leaving water at the bottom of the bag. The absorber is disposable, after the bag is completely filled with water, it should be replaced with a new one.

The hanging moisture absorber is suitable for hanging in any room. Useful in every home, it helps to get rid of moisture. With its help, we can maintain the proper humidity in smaller rooms. Ideal for homes, apartments, garages, as well as during trips in a camper, camping trailer, or in a holiday cottage. Original product of the Czech brand Orion. Manufactured in accordance with European standards.


Kod produktu
calcium chloride
28 cm
15 cm
2,5 cm
Weight (g)
Dominant color

Zdjęcia produktu

Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 gInterior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 gInterior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g
Interior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 gInterior Dehumidifier Hanging ULTRA FRESH 250 g

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