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Cooking Ring Steel Square 3 pcs
Cooking Ring Steel Square 3 pcs
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13.29 zł
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Cooking Ring Steel Square 3 pcs

Kod produktu:111568-KW
  • Set of 3 hoops for shaping, cutting, and decorating dishes and cakes. Perfect for preparing cakes, jellies, layered salads, or potatoes, rice, grains.
Więcej informacji
Cooking Ring Steel Square 3 pcs
17,97 zł(-26% Promocja ograniczona)
13,29 zł
/ pcs
Szybka dostawa 24h
Darmowa dostawa od 150zł
99,1% poleca ten sklep
30 dni na zwrot
Bezpieczne zakupy
Odroczone płatności. Kup teraz, zapłać za 54 dni.

Kup teraz, zapłać później - 4 kroki

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Opis produktu

  • FOR MOLDING - A set of three rings for shaping cakes and dishes into a square shape. The rings in the set come in three different sizes: large (10 x 10 x 4 cm), medium (8 x 8 x 4 cm), and small (6 x 6 x 4 cm).
  • SOLID - Made from the highest quality stainless steel. When used properly, they will last for many years.
  • USEFUL - Intended for molding, cutting out, and decorating dishes and cakes. They are suitable for home use, in gastronomy, and also in pastry shops.
  • EFFECTIVE - Great for preparing square sandwiches and toasts. With their help, you can create impressive dishes.
  • EASY TO CLEAN - The molds are easy to clean and convenient to use. They are dishwasher safe.

A set of three square rings. Made from durable materials, they are solid yet lightweight. Perfect for preparing cakes, jellies, layered salads, or dishes with potatoes, rice, and grains. Useful in every kitchen for shaping dishes and desserts. Made from health-safe and food-neutral materials. Original product from the Dutch brand La Cucina. Manufactured according to European standards.


Kod produktu
stainless steel
4 cm
Weight (g)
Dominant color

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